current show

of earth & myth

aug 28 - oct 25
reception fri sept 20, 6-9pm

possible artist talk in october (check back)

gallery hours: (check back for updates on times)
mon-thurs: 8am-9pm
fri: 8:30am-4:30pm
sat & sun: closed (check back for updates on weekend times)

north hall gallery, montco, pottstown, pa

montco calendar: calendar

The North Hall gallery is located at 16 E. High Street in Pottstown, but use the college dr. address below for parking directions.

Free parking is available in the college lot at 101 College Drive, with a short walk through campus and a pedestrian underpass to North Hall.

Park to the left of the South Hall building (if you're looking at it from the road) towards the very back where the walking path is.
There are two handicap spots by the North Hall building. If you're dropping off and then parking follow these directions:
Make a left onto High St. and then a left at the next light onto College Dr. Then left into the first driveway.

Paid parking is available along High St.

campus map - campus map

walking path- walking path

montco article

of earth & myth


Below the surface of myths lie ideas and assumptions about human and deity behavior, male and female dynamics, worship and desire, storytelling and oppression.


Harvesting dead ash trees (that have succumbed to the invasive Emerald Ash Borer) and transforming them into shapes of blue whale bones, gives us a tangible and intimate witness to the demise of a great entity.
If it reminds you of a skeletal exhibit in a museum, then think of it as one that has crashed to the ground.
Or as scavenged remains found in a quiet place in the forest.
Think of it as a funeral rite.
A memorial to the lost.
Consider all of the dead trees you see now, bare and pale amongst the green of the woods for what they are: the remnants of what once was a living creature.

earth & myth

There is a dichotomy between us and the ancients regarding the perception of invisible things:
man’s simultaneous elevation and destruction of nature, and the attribution of deity for explanation.